Your Sportsfreund blanket is a classic sweat rug. Fleece and wool blankets are NOT made for use in paddocks and open stables. We therefore accept no responsibility for any damage caused by dirt, rolling, playing etc. In addition to sweating off, you can also use our fleece and wool blankets to warm up before work and to keep warm in draughts, e.g. during transport.
Autorin: Veronika Conen, CEO Sportsfreund-Studios
To sweat off your horse, pull out its Fleece– or Wool Rug fleece blanket directly after work. As soon as it is standing at the grooming area and is still out of breauth from riding. If the horse's breathing has not calmed down after a few minutes, you can lead it with the sweat blanket on for a few more minutes. This helps the horse to lower its pulse and to cool down. While your horse eats his Muesli, it keeps the blanket on. The whole process takes about 30 minutes and gives you time to clean up the equipment, ratchet or prepare a second horse. After this time, your horse should have sweated off enough to dry the coat close to the skin. Then the horse can go into the paddock without a blanket.

When eating, at the tethering point or on the trailer ride. If there is still sweat in the coat, replace the wet, saturated blanket with a fresh, dry one and wait a little longer. Or you can put a paddock blanket on your horse now - like for example our Softshell Rug. Because we know that this waiting for sweating off can be cold and boring in winter, we recommend clipping for horses that sweat a lot. That way the whole process goes much faster. All about clipping you can read in ourMagazine /Blog.
Putting a sweat rug on overnight in the paddock makes no sense. No matter how good a blanket is, it will be soaked after about 30 minutes on a sweating horse. This means that it cannot absorb any more moisture and only gets cold and clammy. But if the blanket is still quite dry after this period of time, your horse doesn't need it any more anyway. In addition, the voluminous material is unnecessarily strained in the dirt and, in the worst case, soaks up puddle broth and urine again.

If you are still wondering why you should use a rug in the first place, we recommend you to read our Article about it.