Social sustainability, environmental protection, taking responsibility - everyone is talking about sustainability, but how does it work, how can I make my purchase decision if it should be a new part for the horse and what does all this have to do with sheep?! That is the topic of the tölt interrogation of tact and mind with Sportsfreund founder and boss Veronika Conen. (Only in German)
Autorin: Veronika Conen, CEO Sportsfreund-Studios
Do you also regularly find yourself wanting to hear nothing more about climate change, species extinction, environmental destruction, etc. etc.? And not because you don't care about the issues and are therefore just annoying, but because they seem so overwhelming against the background noise of the ongoing crisis and the limited options for action seem so hopeless? At the latest, when I also get feelings of guilt, I just want to suppress and close myself off.
In any case, I always have to switch to slack so that I don't lose heart. Fortunately, however, sustainable action does not only mean renunciation and desolation, but also some quite unexpected gains in an inclusive new quality of life.
Veronikas Podcast-Debut
We have been working with Svenja Linder and Melanie Schiess from Instagram-Profil TAKT UND VERSTAND . Now the time has come for my first podcast interview.. Im sogenannten Töltverhör löcherten mich die beiden mit Fragen zum Thema „Nachhaltigkeit“ im Allgemeinen und fühlten mir auf den Zahn, wie wir es bei Sportsfreund so halten mit dem gerne genommenen Begriff und ob wir aufrichtig damit umgehen. Es entwickelte sich ein sehr lebendiges Gespräch, das uns allen gute Erkenntnisse lieferte. Euch hoffentlich auch! Viel Spaß dabei.

What can I start with?
Shoppingverzicht ist eins der ersten Mittel, das verschrieben wird auf dem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltig-keit. „Heiliger Sankt Florian, behüt mein Haus, zünd andere an“, sagt der Bayer. Hier stehen wir an der Wegkreuzung zwischen gutem und schlechtem Gewissen. Auch wir sind ein Unternehmen, das vom Verkauf seiner Produkte lebt. Immerhin geben wir uns die größte Mühe, unsere Produkte so zu konzipieren und herzustellen, dass sie möglichst wenig Schaden anrichten. Wenn ihr bei uns einkauft und eurerseits die Produkte schätzt und so behandelt, dass sie ein langen Leben haben, dann haben wir gemeinsam ein paar Sachen gut gemacht.
Jetzt runterladen die Nachhaltigkeitscheckliste!
A small note about our prices: you pay more with us, but unlike the current energy prices, you also get more from us. The price may be unsexy, but our products are real seducers and ultimately deliver reliably! If you want to read more about the topic sustainability in equestrian sport, then I recommend our blog article to you.
Probably the most sustainable blanket
I think it's important that we're always proud of what we've achieved. No matter how big or small the achievement for the world. At least that's how it is with us Wool Rug BAVARIA made from original Bavarian mountain loden. It ticks so many sustainability boxes while not having the cheerless taste of a dry spelled patty. It is of almost glamorous beauty and works optimally on top of that. If that isn't a plus.
Sportsfreund x Takt und Verstand
SAVE MY PLANET - This is your message. For you, your pony, for all of us. Wear your fine art t-shirt with pride and make a sustainable contribution to our planet.
We donate 10% of the sales price to BUND e.V. For biodiversity and nature conservation. A joint project with the Info channel Takt und Verstand.
Hand-printed using the screen printing process - lovingly in our studio with our self-designed motif.
Our carefully selected women's t-shirt has a feminine cut, rolled sleeves and a flattering curved hem. It is made of 100% organic cotton (GOTS), jersey 130g/m². It is manufactured according to the highest possible environmental and social standards: organic, fair and using only renewable energies. The shirt is printed with water-based screen printing ink. It is emission-free and biodegradable.

Sustainability - We can make a difference
Together we start a fundraiser for environmental protection
We are happy to present you a new fruitful partnership in #teamsportsfreund: Sports friend X tact and mind. Under the motto "Save my Planet" we have teamed up with the highly competent Svenja and Melanie's highly competent info channel. Marie's creative superpower translated the topic of sustainability into a beautiful Icelandic horse design and brought it onto the t-shirt using handmade screen printing. The special:
With 10% of the sales price we support nature conservation projects of the BUND e.V. together with you.
Awareness of sustainability and environmental protection in the horse industry is increasing and we want to do our part. So that we can all continue to enjoy our wonderful planet and nature together with our horses. Every step counts and each of us can bring about small changes in our personal environment.
The BUND e.V. (German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation) is active wherever the future of our planet is at stake. He works at all levels and is committed to ecological agriculture, healthy food, climate protection, regenerative energies, protection of endangered species, protection of the forest and water, among other things. BUND e.V. is one of the most influential environmental protection associations in Germany. You can find out more about the BUND here.