Silvia Ochsenreiter-Egli is based at Hafnersholt in Bavaria and has been connected to Icelandic horses since she was a child. The Swiss Rider of the Year is a member of the federal national team. She belongs to the #Teamsportsfreund and is sponsored by us.
Autorin: Veronika Conen, CEO Sportsfreund-Studios
Dear Silvia,
Please introduce yourself and your horses briefly:
Where are you from, how long have you been riding?
I come from the beautiful West Allgäu and have been riding since I was seven years old (I was born in 1976).
Who was your first horse?
Her name was Katla vom Schnasberg and she was a small, proud and very stubborn mare with a lot of tölt and even more pass. Katla often decided how long our rides lasted and it was not unusual for her to dash home across country.

Who are your horses today?
Today I have over 20 Icelandic horses. In the last few years you can see me at competitions with Heljar frá Stóra-Hofi. Kamban frá Útnyrðingsstöðum and Bríet frá Húsavík are my horses for the future.
What does working with the horses mean to you?
A (my) horse is first and foremost my friend and partner, whom I treat with respect and whose natural dignity and beauty I admire. Horses are a big part of my professional and private life. They help me every day to live in the here and now and not to put my own needs too much in the foreground.
What are your goals with your horses?
I would like to continue to develop myself for many years, not only on a sporting level, but also to continue to do good and sound work in the training of my young horses. The trust and health of my horses are very important to me, which is why I regularly continue my education and hope to be a good partner for my horses and the horses entrusted to me in the future.

What makes a good training for you?
Respect, trust, patience, consistency, joy in being together, ease and harmony.
How do you structure your training, do you always have a plan in mind?
I plan the long-term training, i.e. the development of a horse over weeks, months and years, very precisely and according to training-physiological aspects. I often organise the daily training very individually according to the form of the day, weather, season and feeling.
Do you have role models?
Everyone who realises their dreams and pursues goals with love, diligence, honesty and patience.

Which horse would you take to the desert island?
I have a special connection to many horses and there are some that I would like to have around me on the island. I have a very special connection with Blivar von Birkenlund, who has been in our ownership since he was a foal and made it all the way to German Champion and Vice World Champion. He was one of my greatest teachers and is still a fit and proud horse at the age of 28. He would definitely have deserved the peace and quiet of the island.
Welchen Geheimtipp kannst du unseren Lesern mit auf den Weg geben?
Do not try to copy a rider or trainer you admire, but take your horses as your greatest role models and teachers. Be patient and never give up.